信牍智能/XiangKang Electronic

Main problems during daily operations of LPG companies


1. LPG Filling equipment is old,there is no data transmission function,and the number of filled cylinders are recorded manually. Data needs to be sorted before it generated to reports. Querying data takes time and effort.

2. Before filling,cylinders more than 10 or 15 years old need to be manually checked for inspection and refurbishment;

3. Empty cylinders unloading truck and full cylinder loading truck, need manual counting,the guard to confirm,data is kept on paper, it is not easy to find historical data; Cylinder data is a dynamic, no digital tracking, can not achieve instant accurate reports.

4. Cylinders that need to be repaired are sent to a third-party inspection company,the quantity and report of cylinder inspection are kept on paper and cannot be timely delivered to the head office. Government inspectors can only search for old paper records.


5. With the dealer,the number of gas cylinders is recorded by traditional paper,and the immediate data cannot be known,and there are disputes;

6. Based on our experience,without digital tracking,approximately 20% of gas cylinders are lost in the market each year;

7. Do not know who the end user is. Price promotion can not directly let the end user get benefits,market expansion is ineffective;

8.The user cannot distinguish whether the LPG sent by the supplier is from the original plant or illegally filled.

Hazards caused by improper management of LPG

LPG is available in even the remotest of areas, improving the lives of millions of citizens worldwide and providing an impetus to regional
development.However,there are hazards caused by the de improper management of LPG.
Gas cylinder safety "Dangerous": filling, using expired gas cylinders, and scrapping gas cylinders bring dangerous safety hazards, and human monitoring is difficult.
Joint departments "Disperse": Gas cylinders involve quality, safety, operation safety, use safety and other parts. Data cannot be interconnected, and the phenomenon of data islands is serious, resulting in low supervision efficiency.
Black cylinder and black gas "Chaos": Black gas dealers and black gas cylinders flood the market, leading to vicious competition in the industry, unclear safety conditions, and chaotic corporate management.
The traceability of gas cylinders is "Virtual": the filling records, circulation and distribution records of gas cylinders, and home security inspection records are completely mere formalities, hidden dangers cannot be checked, and responsibilities cannot be traced.
User management "Difficult". It is difficult to obtain gas cylinder and end user safety information, supervision cannot accurately control and detect hidden dangers, and users' safety awareness is weak.
Supervisory means "Lack": Enterprises and supervisors lack effective informatization means, making it difficult to supervise gas cylinder safety, gas users, home security inspections, gas cylinder circulation of employees, gas safety, operating enterprises, etc.
Barcoding tracking with the permanent tag is a smart and effective way to better the management LPG cylinders, could solve the problems
caused by improper management. Even though the cylinder was destroied during the accident, the barcode tag is still in good condition to trace
back every movement of the cylinder.
More and more countries are paying attention
to the cylinder safety issues
Root cause during the LPG value chain
and indentified pain points:
- Cylinders are lost within the value chain
- Low rotation rate
- Lack of data about customers &
The consequences of these problems in
LPG supply chain
- Wasted man-hours
- Buying more assets to replace lost
- Inefficient transportation
- Customers cannot track deliveries
- Illegal filling
More and more governments are considering cylinder safety issues and introducing regulations on cylinder tracking and safety management. Some large liquefied gas companies actively respond to government calls or adopt QR code digital management in advancedue to social responsibility.